1 08 2016


We have gotten the much-needed rain and slightly cooler temps.  The garden is happy.   Sammy has found a wonderful place to spend these hot summer days in comfort.  Under the umbrella bench at the top of the stairs.  With a nice hooked rug underneath who could ask for more.




Yesterday I picked up my bushel of corn from The Farm Stand n Colrian.  They grow the best non GMO corn around.    Many more ears were added to that bushel and the cost was a mere $25.00.  I made a spicy corn relish yesterday with a couple of hot peppers from the garden.


If you are planning to freeze corn the little device above is a time saver.   Unfortunately the red peppers weren’t ready so I used purple peppers.

Today I hope to get lots of corn in the freezer.  Going to try freezing a few ears too.


The Day Lilly’s are mostly gone and its time for Phlox and Tansy to take over.



The tansy has grown quite tall it must love this area.   I will keep planting more to fill up this space.


The pumpkins have come down the hill and spilled over the stone wall.  I will have to gently remove them from Mr. Peppers fence.  I don;t have any idea what kind of pumpkins these are I thew all the pumpkin seeds into a dish and just planted. 


The hops are forming and have provided shelter  and shade for the side yard chickens.


The hot peppers are doing well.


I have had a few of these tasty heirloom tomatoes already.  Many more to come.

Many thanks for reading my blog today and if you are in the area tomorrow stop by at The Tuesday Greenfield Market.  I will have a limited supply of eggs from the gals.  Carole

The age old question why does everyone want to lay their eggs in the same box at the same time?

The age old question why does everyone want to lay their eggs in the same box at the same time?


19 07 2016



The lazy days of summer are upon us.   The humidity will be gone for a few days and gentle cooling breezes are here.  New families are in the yellow bird house and the nest over the barn door.  Mom’s and Dad’s are busy bring all sorts of goodies to the babies.  As I sit in the sheep yard last night enjoying the nice breeze leftover from the storm i hear their wonderful songs.




A friend gave me one plant many years ago.  Now I remove the seeds and  spread them farm from my house.  If anyone wants some seed I would be happy to send you some.  E-mail me.  It is a nice herb with wonderful leaves  for flower arranging and sweet flowers.  The seed pods smell of licorice.  Its a tall plant up to 3 feet and will spread like wildfire if it is happy.  



Beatrix and Prudence have settled in and Beatrix seems to have taken over the number one spot in the Flock and Prudence number two.  It may change several times before its settled.  It has been an interesting time with them.  Beatrix was always the low hen in her flock but once she arrived here she must have decided to stand up to all and take over.  The first thing she did was to go over to Hazel and peck him.   Hazel certainly wasn’t expecting that.  Things have calmed down and everyone is getting to know their place and the routine here on the farm.  They still have more changes coming.  This flock will be joining the front flock so I am adding to the yard in front and the dog houses will move there.  Hazel  Mrs. Brown and Emma will be staying behind in the yellow caravan and will winter inside .Although Emma will have her own cage as Mrs. Brown is so jealous of Hazel that she will peck on Emma if she is anywhere near. Mrs.Brown will put up with his philandering with the big birds but not birds her size.




An English phone booth right in the center of Rowe!  


On Saturday I did a sweet little fair in Rowe.  Rowe is a wonderful little town nestled in the  mountains with a  beautiful lake.    The fair was a wonderful place to bring your family with lots of things for everyone to do and great vendors.  Its the kind of town that I wish I lived in with a community feel.  In the afternoon there was someone  talking about owls in our area with several  different kinds with him.  It was so educational.


 And lo and behold last night while  putting the side yard chickens to be I heard the sound of an owl.  Be sure and put it on your calendar for next year.  It is not to be missed.  A bouncy house was there for the kids and a tractor pulling a cart with hay bales to sit on was there to gi ve you a tour around town.  Fire Departments were there showing their skills and Fire Works over the lake end the day.

Thanks goodness for cooler days this was Sammy yesterday


Many thanks for reading my blog on this delightful summer day.  Carole





4 10 2015



It’s been quite chilly the past few days  This old cement farmhouse keeps in the damp and it takes a while to warm up.  No frost yet though so the garden is still providing me with  veggies and herbs.  I did get another couple of garlic bulbs to plant and hope to get them in today.



You either love it or hate it.  It is an invasive plant and some of my friends are horrified that I would have it in my yard.  Its been growing on the side of my barn with its heavy roots located in the front of the barn .  I trim it every year and I have plans for a trellis over the front doors of the barn.  Hope to get that done next year.


As a child getting bittersweet was part of fall activities.  We would take a drive and find some on a county lane and pick it. It would be hanging on our doors and in bowls.

I like being able to just go out and pick decorations for the house.  In the spring I have Pussy Willows and I have planted Winterberry bushes for winter decorations .

Of the three winterberry bushes I planted only one survived and this year although it had many flowers only one berry was on it and the birds got it.  Its in a shady place.  I hope to buy a few more bushes and I now have a wonderful place  in the area that was dug up for the trench work,    I think would be suitable for them.


This Fall’s Spin Off Magazine has arrived and has a wonderful article about core spinning.  Something I have done in the past and want to do again.  My friend Ceacy is giving me all her wonderful English Leicester fleeces which are perfect for core spinning.  Wonderful scarves can be made with this yarn or it can be an embellishment yarn for projects.



I am on Facebook and just love it.  I have met some wonderful and inspirational people on this venue.  One person I met and we follow each other is Kristen Nichols.   I saw her colors  and was hooked.  The surprising fact was that she lives in the next town over and has sheep!!!!  Who knew.  She offers classes at her  farm and she is a self taught artist.  The latest issue of Mary Jane’s Farm has a wonderful article with  pictures of her art and her house.  Its been an inspiration to me and I am ready for lots of color in this old farm house.  


Hope you have a wonderful day and many thanks for reading my blog.  Carole

Sammy loves his hut. especially when its chilly and the radiator is on

Sammy loves his hut. especially when its chilly and the radiator is on


15 09 2015


Last night was chilly, I ended up closing most of the windows.  I am sowing bringing the porch plants in and have put my Amaryllis to bed for 6 weeks.


The fair was a wonderful event which I will do again next year.  Lots of friends came including Eliza  fellow blogger and Chris a student of mine.  More than half of the heating pads I made flew off the table.

A clown and his bubble machine

A clown and his bubble machine


I love Christa’s bags and this latest one is my favorite.  I carry my camera and iPad almost everywhere I go.  I don’t use a bulky computer bad but usually put it in my Purse.  This zippered bag is ideal for the camera, which fits into the pocket and my iPad. .  The long handle slips around my head and over my shoulder and is so secure.  She is making more so e-mail me if you are interested.




I have pulled up the beets and will get going on canning them soon.  They are in the way of the back excavation.   To say that I planted them late I had a great crop.

Fennel, sting beans, peppers and cherry tomatoes still doing well.


He is doing well, still not fond of the other kitties but that comes in time.  I am so glad that I got him he is a great addition to my cat famiy


He has such wonderful markings.

Poor Sam got locked in my sewing room for a day.  I heard his meowing from the porch and he was in the South bedroom window crying for help.  How smart of him.

Many thanks for reading my blog today and I  hope you have a wonderful day.  We are in for a wonderful spell of warm days and cool nights.  Wonderful!


10 08 2015


The whole house and yard is encased with the smell of skunk.  Its as though he was in the house!

The weather is still nice and cool but more humidity and some needed rain will be here in a day or two.

Chris left yesterday.  We got so much accomplished while he was here.  He will be back in October.


Cindy met us in Greenfield and we put 18 bales of hay in her Mini Van!!!!!!  And loaded 4 bales in my car.  The total in the barn is now 42 toward my goal of 100.I won’t start using the 100 till mid march to insure that when I run out the new hay will be ready.



 Thanks so much Cindy.  Chris and Charlie got it into the barn in no time.


Sam the man has been here a year.  He was two yesterday.  He has changed so much and come into his own.


 I am so happy that i got he and Owen  Although Owen didn’t have a long time here he to came into his own before he passed away.

Yesterday was another anniversary.  It was one year since my Mom passed.  Time has flown by.  I miss she and my Dad so much. If you still have parents  be sure to ask them things about your family and their lives.  I have so many questions unanswered.  When Cindy got home last night she has an old clock which belonged to my Dad’s family.  It’s never touched or wound up yet yesterday it was ticking, how interesting.


My son so enjoys being a volunteer fireman.  It’s a rewarding job   Yesterday was there annual open house.

Good friends and family  Lil meets Sparky here new hero

Good friends and family Lil meets Sparky her new hero

 Food was served, all the equipment was out and there was a smoke house that you could go into.  What a fun and educational day for adults and children alike.

Many thanks for reading my blog today and I hope you had a lovely day.  Carole