31 08 2013


,Today is a funny day with heat and humidity, sun, thunderstorms and rain.



The Hummingbirds

This morning while checking my e-mail a Hummingbird was out with the Jewel weed.   Darting from flower to flower I wish I had my camera and then it came right over to the window. The bee’s have been there since they started blooming too.    We always have hummingbirds here and once I was lucky enough to see one at rest.


Today while up in the barn I saw the two Mourning Doves that hang around the farm, they were in the pasture.  It got me to wondering where do they nest.  I have never seen one.  SO I looked them up and they can either nest on the ground or in trees.  People can help them by making cone shapes out of hardware cloth and put them in the V’s of trees.  I am putting that on my calendar to do next spring.


People either love them or despise them,  I really like them.  Since planting places for them to hide and feeding them in the winter I have had many here all year round.  They hide in the Holly and Christmas tree out front.  I need to have an area in back for them and this year got two Canadian Hemlock but neither took.  That hot spell even with lots of watering killed them off.  Next spring I will have to get some larger stock.  This year there was a nest in the Crab apple tree just outside the kitchen window, I could hear the young call for food and watched them as they learned to fly.  I love their song.




It seems that this year was the year to fix bird houses.  I took done the white church that Debbie gave me, that bird house always reminded me of my Dad.   Many Chickadee’s have been raised in it but not this year.  I am going to fix it and put the steeple back on and put it around  near the computer room.


Jf  you are for a war with Syria or against let your voice be heard.  I e-mailed the President and my Congressman to let them know my feelings about this today.  I urge you to do the same.

Many thanks for reading my blog and I hope you have a wonderful day.  Carole


30 08 2013





The night air last night was perfect, cool and so good for sleeping.  Fall is coming with some trees already changing colors.  Its my favorite time of year.  The smells and sights are a delight.  Wood fires, pumpkins, brightly colored leaves.  The sounds of rustling leaves under your feet.  I look forward to it.


I got a call from The Farm Stand that my tomatoes were ready.  30 pounds of them. 

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I  started them right away in the crock pot.  Diced up onions, peppers and garlic, added some herbs and a fresh bay leaf and left them for the rest of the day.

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 By the time I got back to them and tried them I decided that I would label them as soup.  What a great hardy soup for winter just add some pasta and top with cheese.  Today I am going to make another batch.  I want to dry some too.



The boys leave today, school starts next week.  I will miss them.


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I dropped some items off at FUNK SHUN yesterday.  New things are added  to the shop every week.  It looks wonderful.  I love the Man Dolls which are great sellers, surely to please any guy or gal on your birthday or Christmas list.  Yes I did say Christmas, I have picked up a few things at FUNK SHUN already for Christmas presents.  Check it out and Christa is on facebook.





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Sometimes I take for granted just how wonderful chickens and the eggs they produce are.  They are a beautiful creation and such a good whole food.  My chickens delight me every day.  They are smart, sensitive and very much like people in their activities.  I am so glad that I have them.  Every two weeks two dozen eggs go to a friend at my old job


I have felt that the area in my brain that produces ideas has been dead in the water and somehow in the past 3 or so months its come alive again.   I am not busy making things for the shops.  Finishing up some very old projects and finding new ones that will work for all 3 places.

Many thanks for reading my blog and I hope you have a wonderful day.  Carole


29 08 2013


Deb Robson

I met Deb back in the early 80’s taking Spinning lessons at Webs at the X in Springfield.  I immediately liked her, through her I developed a love for wool, sheep, spinning and much more.  Those lessons changed my life.  I used to see her every once in a while when I would attend SOAR or at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival..  She has gone on to work for Interweave Press and publishing books.  I have featured one of her books Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook  on this blog.  She has done so many things for the spinning and sheep world, now her friends want to give back to her. Her dream is to study Shetland sheep for a year.  Her friends have come up with a dream-funder project for Deborah Robson.  I am showing you the front page and the table of contents and was given permission by her friend Donna Druchunas..

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It is $20. for the e-book, This is the first installment of it, and its 40 pages long. Its has 5 wonderful knitting patterns in it.  I am looking forward to the other pieces of the book which will hold essays and many more patterns by the best of the knitting world.  Of course with Deb all this knowledge she brings from this year of studying will be shared with us.  If you are a spinner, knitter and just in general love sheep this is a e-book for you and you will be helping the world learn so much more about Shetland and their sheep.       Shetland has been on my bucket list for a few years now, since before I got Marley.


I ordered 50 more bales of hay and it came last night.    It is wonderful hay and very dry so it didn’t bother me at all.  Its not just getting the hay which brings work but the getting ready.   Half of the hay area had to be swept, the stuff had to be moved out of the way so the truck could  get in.  It was a couple of hours of hard work.  The boys had never had the expierence of a hay elevator. 

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If you don’t get a bale and put it in place in a hurry the next one is there and it creates a huge mess.  50 bales were in the barn in less than 20 minutes.  Now they know how it is and will be ready next time I have hay delivered.

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Well they still aren’t done, I did some more hand sewing on them and I hope they will be done for the weekend.  Sometimes its frustrating for me.  On a farm there is so much to do and lots of time the things you really want to do have to be put aside. I am going to be taking more time to do these things in the coming weeks.

Many thanks for reading my blog today and I hope you have a wonderful day.   Carole and my helper Minnieminnie 005


28 08 2013



I wanted to share some picture of the sheep I took yesterday.

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  Elliott at the door watching, there have been things in the woods lately, Deer I think.  They have made paths through the 10 foot high jewel weed.  Sadie is  doing remarkable well these days.

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And Lucy and Maude

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I am quite pleased with the pillows and making these for the porch has given me thought and practice. I am still not quite finished and I hope I will be done tomorrow. I think I will make some smaller versions for the new shop in Florence.  I quite enjoy sewing and its nice to get back to it.

DRYING MORE CORN and a Hot Pepper Too

I am drying more corn today.

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  I want to make some corn chowder in the winter and this seems the best way to keep it.  It’s easy to dry and I don’t have to worry about freezer space.



Today I am so happy I have my family’s Charles Dickens series back.  They have been in the house in Belchertown for years but no one has ever been able to find them.  Today my son did.  Last year my friend Louise from Montreal told me about a society that meets about Charles Dickens.  It’s a world-wide society and they read and discuss the books.    This winter I am gong to start reading the set.  The nearest group in near Worcester which is probably 60 or so miles.  We will see about that in the spring.  But for now I am very happy to have my family books back.  My Dad came from a big family with many , all were avid readers.  I have a huge collection of old works from them.

Many thanks for reading my blog today, I hope you are having a wonderful day.  Carole and my helper tonight Minnie.


26 08 2013


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I woke to gentle rains today, we sure need them. The morning glories have overtaken the bird house.


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Yesterday I had a full day.  I gathered up things to take to the new shop.  Its located in Deerfield, Mass. and is full of things for the wool lover.  All kinds of yarn and soon to be filled with local yarns and there are some very special yarns from Scotland which in limited supply.

Special yarns from Scotland

Special yarns from Scotland







I brought down some salve, the small packages of fleece , and large packages of fleece, some cards of Lottie and some lavender.  It is a wonderful place to shop, there are books about crafts and some beautiful felted and woven pieces.  More to come. 

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There is a knit Nite on Wednesday from 7-9.  The website is http://www.sheepandshawlcom.

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Chris and Ricky

The boys are coming back for a short stay tonight and then they are off with their Father for an adventure of deep-sea fishing.  An annual end of the summer event for them.  I hope to get the chicken house done and set up before they leave and get some tubing on the Deerfield River too.








Mom is doing so well at her new place.  She has come back from the brink with the help of Mary the owner.    She still knows who I am although she is confused in time and thinks my Grandmother visits her often.  There is nothing wrong with that.  She is often in the land of happier times. I couldn’t wish for anything better than that for her.   I miss my visits with her and will see her soon.


Minnie has really flourished upstairs.  She likes company but is used to being on her own some of the day.  She now sleeps right next to me, it has taken her quite some time to trust, I just can’t imagine her life before.  Finding the perfect food for her is still a quest for me.  She is still way to thin.


Lilly Pad is still visiting, she really loves my Grandmothers Quilt..  She will be her a few more weeks, she is a delight.

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Many thanks for reading my blog today and I hope you have a lovely day.   Carole