8 06 2013


The Sheep

Sheep are like children, they can be good for the longest time and then the become the bad child in an instant.  I have two very bad sheep.  Marley who is in heat although he has been fixed as soon as I turn my back i get hit.  I have been squirting him with the hose when he does it, but he and I both forget and it happens every night.  Then two nights ago I saw Lucy on her two back legs eating Elliott’s grain.  Now Elliott is old and need his grain twice a day.  There is nowhere to hang the pail that she can’t reach.  I have a couple of ideas and may try bringing in a fence to separate them while he is eating.  SHe gets squirted with the hose but she doesn’t care.    My son and I tried several ways to hang the bucket but each time Lucy was able to get to it.  Last night I put it in its old place and scared Lucy away each time she came near.  Today I hung a nail on the other side of the gate.    Lucy can climb up on the gate but can’t get her head over.  She did try to bite the bucket.  She is very serious about grain.  She is already overweight and I will get a lecture from the vet about that.













David with the sheep

David with the sheep








Pat , my neighbor and house fixer-upper took the feeder home and made it yesterday.  It was delivered this afternoon.  Its beautiful. In the 3 or 4 days that have gone by since the barn was cleaned at least one bale of hay was wasted on the floor and had to be used as mulch. So far today there is no hay on the floor.  They have to work at getting the hay and not too much will be waster.  A savings to me of about $400. per year.   I was running out of room to use the mulch too.


We had lots of rain yesterday and last night and none got into the barn, there were puddles everywhere so shovel in hand I dug pathways for the water to run off.  There is still lots to do up there.  My biggest fear is that the pasture will remain damp.  We are having another week of rainy weather, I will have to wait till we have a spell of dry weather.  Wet pasture produces  hoof rot in sheep and in goats.  something that is a pain for the animal and a pain for the owner.  I want to avoid that extra work.


Minnie went to the vets yesterday, She got eye drops and she had worms.  I was shocked as She was wormed three times before she came here.  I haven’t seen any worms.  She got medication for that.  Dr. Funk said it was from Fleas.  S0mething else I didn’t see on any of the cats.  Tomorrow they will be have no more fleas.  He did extensive tests on her and she may have some kidney problems.  It may be that she will have to be in my bedroom.   She may like that and can be let out occasionally.  Eventually she may be fine with the other cats.  Angus thinks it’s a game to chase her and Willie feels great that he is not the low man on the totem pole!!!

Next week I hope to catch Baby the elusive cat.  I am armed with a pill that will be crushed in her food.  I hope that it works.  She will be fixed and all her shots, checked out and anything that needs to be done will be done.  I hope that she will be a little friendlier after all this but who knows.  Once a feral cat always a feral cat so they say.

Many thanks for reading my blog and I hope you have a wonderful day.    Carole and Minnie



30 04 2013


I am glad to be back home.    No rain in days and no rain to come in at least 7 days.  Everything is so dry.  I will have to water the apple trees even though they are mulched well.  I am glad that I am taking the rainwater lecture at River Valley Co-Op.  I can explore new ways  to save and use water.  We are lucky to have an abundance of water here in Colrain, but I would like to know different ways to store rain water.

A Welcome Home Present



I was putting a few things away in my room and right where I would put my feet to get in or out of bed was a present.  I am pretty sure it was from Marion AKA Baby.  She is the feral cat who would like to trust me but just can’t.  A dead mouse isn’t really what I want but its the thought that counts.  

The Hill in Front of the House










Plants on the hill are starting to push up between the chicken mulch.  Soon it will be full of bleeding hearts.  I did plant a Mock Orange  there.  After all these years I am still trying to fill it in.  I have many Day Lillies and Wednesday I will pick up  some Elderberries at Norse Farms along with some Blueberry, and raspberry plants.

The Hops are popping up near the side porch and I hope to transplant some of them to the chicken fence.  It does provide shade for them and hops for my sleep pillows in the fall.



Mary Jane’s rugs are always interesting and well thought out.  I Love the swirls in this latest rug, they are quite time-consuming to do and look wonderful.

Many thanks for reading my blog and I hope you have a wonderful day.      Carole