22 10 2012


At then end of my barn was a very nice woman selling herbs.  Bunches of Sweet Annie were at the entrance of her booth.  Sweet Annie is one of my favorites so at the end of the day I bought two bunches.  Now my car is filled with the heavenly scent of them.  Shows are never as busy on Sundays as there are on Saturdays.  I was able to walk around a little and look at the sheep.  I am including some pictures  of some special ones.

                                                          SOAY SHEEP

I have wanted Soay Sheep for a long time.  They are an ancient breed living on an island way off the coast of  Scotland.  These were so friendly.

Border Leicesters








These are the sheep I have raised for years.  I truly love the breed.  They are long livers, very thrifty and smart.  My Sadie is a Border Leicester.


Sheep and vendors goods are being packed up, people and animals are ready to go home.  The show was good for both Susan and myself.  We are going to brain-storm during the winter for more products.  Buttons and  pins are among the things we would like to do over the winter.   I did a lot of rug hooking and many people are interested in hooking and asked many questions.  I met a lot of very interesting people and hope to be in contact with some of them soon.







I am so glad to be home, I had a welcome party when I arrived after 9:30 last night.  It was the skunk and he continued to welcome me late into the night.  He went up to the sheep pasture and all the sheep scurried out of the barn.  I don’t think he spent too much time there as it really doesn’t smell.  It’s a beautiful warm morning here and while I was doing the sheep water I sat in the pasture.  Some of the trees on the hill  have reached  their best color and it was a delight to sit amongst them for a few minutes.  Now I will be getting ready for THE CRAFTS OF COLRAIN , my house will be one of the stops.

I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you so much for reading my blog.
